Tuesday, April 21, 2015

NOWHERE BUT HERE by Katie McGarry Trailer Release

Okay, this is a week late, but I am excited to take part in the reveal of Katie McGarry's new book Nowhere But Here! Katie McGarry is one of my favorite authors, even though I have only read one of her books, even though i am DYING to read the rest. Pushing The Limits was so great and beautiful I fell in love, bought it right after, and re-read it, meaning I read the same book twice in one year. This is a big deal, if you paid attention to my previous posts you know why. I hardly re-read, let alone actually buy the book. So when I was presented with the opportunity to help reveal the trailer, of course I jumped on that horse and road- about three feet and got off because I was tired, which is what happened on Tuesday night when I got the info and deiced to put it off until the next night. sigh.

Information where to get zee new book:

"Pre-Order NOWHERE BUT HERE, Register your Pre-Order and you’ll get the eBook you’ve been asking for, Abby’s Story, CHASING IMPOSSIBLE absolutely free! PLUS, you’ll also be entered to win a $500 VISA Gift Card! Register at http://bit.ly/1Mt8cjr.



An unforgettable new series from acclaimed author Katie McGarry about taking risks, opening your heart and ending up in a place you never imagined possible 

Seventeen-year-old Emily likes her life the way it is: doting parents, good friends, good school in a safe neighborhood. Sure, she's curious about her biological father—the one who chose life in a motorcycle club, the Reign of Terror, over being a parent—but that doesn't mean she wants to be a part of his world. But when a reluctant visit turns to an extended summer vacation among relatives she never knew she had, one thing becomes clear: nothing is what it seems. Not the club, not her secret-keeping father and not Oz, a guy with suck-me-in blue eyes who can help her understand them both. 

Oz wants one thing: to join the Reign of Terror. They're the good guys. They protect people. They're…family. And while Emily—the gorgeous and sheltered daughter of the club's most respected member—is in town, he's gonna prove it to her. So when her father asks him to keep her safe from a rival club with a score to settle, Oz knows it's his shot at his dream. What he doesn't count on is that Emily just might turn that dream upside down. 

No one wants them to be together. But sometimes the right person is the one you least expect, and the road you fear the most is the one that leads you home. 


I'm excited! Are you excited? You should be because Katie McGarry is awesomesauce.

You can find her at her links @katielmcgarry on almost anything, besides on Tumblr where it's @katielmcgarryauthor

I'm really excited


Updater Time Week #3

Hola everyone! I apologize for not giving an update on Sunday, which doesn't really make a difference for by the time I get around to writing, editing, and publishing, it's after midnight. Anyways, I'm going to be giving a general update on a lot of things besides my writing escapades. Here we go!

First as always 
Camp NaNoWriMo
I'm am at exactly 16,687. I was 2,000 behind last Sunday, no big deal. No big deal when you actually write, which I didn't AT ALL last week. I was suppose to hit 20,000 this week. I was doing so well the first week of the month that I was discussing with my Cabin about maybe even having to bump my word count up. So not happening now. My excuse it that Spring has arrived and the weather has been amazing (up until about yesterday, where it got chilly and rainy (which I love) but not good outside weather). Plus I had to write three research reports, which in reality did bring my count up to 20,000, but I'm not counting them yet. So I have to write 10,000 words in order to reach my goal, which isn't horrible. I wrote about 10,000 my first week, and I wrote 15,000 per week during NaNoWriMo a year ago. I wrote a little today, and hopefully more tomorrow.

I have actually been good keeping up with writing one a day, or two. I did get behind, due to not writing at all over the weekend, but I was able to quickly catch up today. Thank God for Haikus.

In which I have no idea why I'm telling you this

If you are in the book loving community, like moi, whether its reading and talking with others, blogging about it on Tumblr, or taking action in thoroughly responding to it like I'm attempting to do, you may be aware of Booktube. If not, allow me to explain. It's just that. It's a community on YouTube that talks about and discusses books. It varies in discussion from tags, reviews, skits, whatever. It's great and awesome.

A smaller Booktuber by the channel name of LittleRedReader, AKA Red, recently published a video. She has created the One Good Thing Project. This project is designed to influence positivity by filming yourself saying one good thing that happened everyday for a month. You can either upload the video every day, or make a video compilation of the weeks video and post them at the end of the week. You can even take all of them and post them at the end of the moth in one giant video! It's very flexible (which I like), all you gotta do is film once a day.

Do you ever just have one of those moments where you hear or read or see something and you're just like YES! THAT'S PERFECT! and you feel in your element; it's a puzzle piece that fits on your side. That's what I felt. However, thinking about filming myself AND THEN POSTING IT makes me extremely uncomfortable. I'm getting very anxious just thinking about.

(still have no idea why I'm adding this)
Back in '12 when I just go into watching YouTube, I saw it as so much fun and I was really inspired to do it. Lack of editing software, a camera, and intriguing personality kind of shot that horse in the face, but I didn't give up the dream of one day doing it. When I came across BookTube a year later, oh boy, did I fall in love. Now I had to do it, and I attempted. Lack of editing software and decent camera, again,  killed it. I never posted a video to YouTube though, just attempted filming. Last year as I watched everyone at Vid Con, It looked like so much fun I got the urge to do it. But since then, and my high of it in the fall of '13, has diminished. I do not have the great desire to create videos anymore. But the thought of me publicly displaying myself just NOPE. Social Anxiety does that to a person. That is why I hide behind a penname on a blog where people don't see my face.

This project is perfect then. It completely goes against my comfort zone (feeling queasy), but I know I will regret it if I don't do it. You can do it any time, there isn't a certain date, but you have to do it for the full thirty days. So I'm going to be attempting to do it in May. Starting May 1st (I could not add another thing to do in April).

I am very, very, very, very nervous, but I do have support from my best friend on this. Oh boy. You will be able to find the videos on YouTube under the GhostyStories.

Whew! A lot has been covered, so imma go now. Peace!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

April Update Week 2

I can not believe a week has gone by.

I'm going to keep this short because it's late and I'm exhausted to the point I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. Don't forget the headache.

Camp NaNoWriMo

I did not hit my goal of getting 15,000 written this week. I would have if I had written this weekend, most likely hitting it if I were to have continued on Friday night. I round off this week 200 shy of 14,000. I do not know if I had mentioned this, but my writing project for this month isn't the novel I have on my Camp profile. I needed something to put down, and had started writing it, but I have too many open projects that need wrapping up to write on a story I have no desire to continue after this month, nor anything to do it with. However, I did finish the last chapter on a fanfiction I have been writing over the past two and a half years. I will be writing an epilogue to it just to wrap it up,  but it's insane that the story I've been working on (note: not consistently) for the past two and a half years, is over. I'm done with it. I might cry. So much has changed since I started it; I was in such a  different place back then. It's a very bittersweet moment for me. Hopefully by next week I'll hit 20,000 word mark. It would be fantastic if I did more, but this is me we're talking about. Don't wanna set the bar too high. .

Up to date with my 11th poem.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

April Week 1 Update

Hello everyone, and happy Easter! I hope everyone had a great day; mine was fantastic.

As promised, every Sunday night during the month of April I will be updating my NaPoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo progress. Even though it has only been half a week, not much progress has been made, especially with the weekend of a holiday. But anywho, lets get on with it.

Camp NaNoWriMo
I did not write anything on Wednesday (April 1st) for I was busy, but other than that I've written, even just a small portion, for Camp NaNoWriMo. The project I'm working on for Camp is not just the novel I have on my profile, but other stories such as fanfictions I want to wrap up soon. I'm still debating whether this month I should write the short story I originally wanted to write for camp. Next week I should have an update on my decision. Right now I'm just writing to write because I've hit a bit of a writers block, which hopefully i'll be able to get over tomorrow. Currently my word count is 4,510. My Cabin mates are cool; I've been somewhat conversing with them. I can only get on once for a little while at night, so I can't always jump in frequently. They're all nice, and I have been jumping into conversation with them easily, and its all good, so I'm blessed.

Everyday since April 1st I have written a poem a day, which is crazy because I'm not one to keep up daily routines like that (as I mentioned in my Ghosty Stories). However, I've been doing pretty good. It might not hold up, but oh well. I have not written a poem for today yet though, but I was busy, so I will be getting to it tonight.

As for quality of the poems, I'll give a C. Some are good; day one and two are. But the past two days I've been busy and written quick free verse poems, so I'm not completely happy with how they turned out.

So that's my first week, well half week, of NapoWriMo 2015 and Camp NaNoWriMo April session 2015. I don't think I'm doing too shabby so far; hopefully I will either improve or keep it up.

Here's to another week. :)

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Ghosty Stories| My NaPoWriMo Story

I told you I was going to tell you the story of last years NaPoWriMo, and let me start it by kicking off my first segment on this blog Ghosty Stories. Ghosty Stories won't be a weekly/annual thing. It will basically just be me telling you whatever random story I decide to share at any random time. Some might be short, others long. Shall we begin?


Let me just start of by saying poetry is not my strong suit, and it's a fact I've come to terms with and accepted. In English II last year I had to write a poem for an honors assignment, and that proved my greatest challenge for that semester.

One Sunday night, I believe in February or early March of 2014, I was forced to go to a youth bible study session thing at a friends of my parents house. That particular night I wore my Winner Nanowrimo 2013 shirt (which I had actually win that year), which sparked a friend and I's writing conversation. Turns out she was also in the same Creative Writing Group as moi, which was awesome, for it was an online ordeal and I rarely spoke to anyone on there. She then mentioned NaPoWriMo, which i had never heard of before. But nerveless, a club meeting a week or two later, NaPo was brought up.

In March I went through a very hard time. The event had to be done, but it left me torn and broken on the floor. I remember last St. Patricks day I stopped crying enough to peel myself off the floor and eat corn beef, which was flavorless on my tongue. I felt severely alone and scared, and anxious; It was a terrible ordeal for me and I needed a distraction. So as soon as I heard about NaPoWriMo and what it was, I signed on to participate along with my creative writing group.

Camp NaNoWriMo was something already brought to my attention before I ever heard about NaPo, and I had already planned on participating in the April session also, continue working on the novel I had flew into during NaNoWriMo in November.

April started off kind of slow. I was still in a great state of emotional turmoil, still trying to pull myself together. The writing group had a blog in which I took advantage of at this time. In order to official win on their account, you had to post thirty poems within the thirty days to the forums. Each day a new writing prompt was posted to the blog and you commented your submission, whether it be with the prompt or not.

I am not one for routine, or daily routines, so writing a poem a day fell off fast, and by mid April I had a growing pile of prompted poems to write. But that's what made it even more fun.

My friend also participated in NaPo, and we talked quite frequently then, and it was really cool to see her poems on the forums and to read everyone elses, and to talk about the prompts and poems with her elsewhere.

I stayed with the prompts for the entire month, though I had written a few poems along side that I kept to myself. What was nerve wrecking was posting my poems to the forums. As I mentioned earlier, I am not strong suited in poetry, and I evidently really suck at it. Posting my poems for others to read, un-anonymous, scared the crap out of me, especially when one of my friends would read it. But I needed this, I needed to do it. And so I did. And  it was great.

The fear of being judged, of whatever irrational, anxious thought that coursed through my head, died down the more I posted my poems each day (or in abundance in one day). It was thrilling, and I was happy.

During the month of April, also things personally calmed down and things mended there way together, and so I felt better and was doing better. But I will never forget my choice of doing this. Of doing something I sucked at. At being presented with a challenge like NaPo, at writing poetry, a skill I very much lacked, and taking up the challenge because it was just that, a challenge, and I didn't coward away. Not only that, but I posted them to the internet, to be read by the entire group. It was bliss. It was a decision I never regretted, and one I never will.

Through the rest of April I had all the prompts written on a piece of note paper with bacon on it, in which I would track down all the unwritten prompts on my part, and cross off when I had published them to the blog forums. I had a notebook that I used where I would sit on my bed, on my desk, even outside lounging on a wicker chair in the hot weather.

I did a lot of research to learn how to write different forms of poems that went along with the prompts each day. I still don't exactly grasp how to write an Ode.... nevertheless I tried my best, and posted it!
Also research went into finding words that rhymed with my desired word...

On April 30th, I submitted my 30th poem on the forum with the weight of what turned into a great month, and great experience, to live on with me forever.

It is one of the most memorable times of my life. It was a terrible time turned good. So good I couldn't wait to do it this year. Unavoidably, I moved out of state that summer, and so I do not have the writing club to join in this year with, which honestly saddens me. But if I learned anything last year, I will not let negative events trump a potentially great experience.

As for Aprils session of Camp NaNoWriMo 2014, I wish I could  say it was as equal as a great experience. To be honest, I gave up about two weeks in, haha. I made the mistake by continuing on with my novel on the same document, so I had to jot down my word count before I wrote, and after. Me being me, I didn't always jot down, or memorize, or even write down my saving point, so everything got confusing. Tip to you: if you're continuing on with an already written story, start in a new document; its easier to track your progress. Take it from me.

Also, I wasn't too pleased with my cabin. Nothing wrong with the people except for the fact I was the youngest, by at least five year at the least. This was before I really checked out the cabin settings, in which you have the option of age range, and so I was the only high schooler with a bunch of people who are in legal drinking age. Yeah I as a quitter, but hey, I had NaPoWriMo.