Saturday, March 7, 2015

This is me in an attempt to step out of my comfort zone.

The amount of time I've sat and thought, calculating and thinking, about starting a blog, what I would post, the general theme for the damn thing, is too much. Too much for me not to do it.

Oh but I have done it. Over. And over. And over, again. General defeat is not in this case, but personal displeasure of how my blog was turning out (spoiler: not even close to what I wanted it to).

Thus the idea is still with me, so it must be destined to happen. Lets try this again.

So here I am, starting again. This is the time to get it right; no more of this nonsense. If I don't stick with it now, then it's never going to happen.

However, sticking my life out on the internet is not an idea I particularly favor. I'm a coward. Oh well.

The general idea for this blog will be based on books, and writing, & sometimes random things i choose to throw in here because it's my blog and I will do as I damn well please.

Currently I am out of a laptop (it died on me May of last year) & I am resorting to my parents computer. However, this means personal things are to be kept off. Once I get another laptop, that will change, as I will be able to custom backgrounds and what not. For now we have just have to stick with the standard one.

To whoever may be reading this, I hope my charming personality hasn't scared you off yet, & that you chose to come along with me on this bumpy ass road trip, which will most likely cause car sickness. . .

Lets start this journey. . .

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