Tuesday, March 24, 2015

April Camp NaNoWriMo & NaPoWriMo 2015

In one week is April 1st (where did the time go?), and that date holds more importance to me than just pranking, it also starts a long month of writing. April is the month of NaPoWriMo and the spring session of Camp Nanowrimo, which I will participating in (once again) this year.

For those of you who don't know what either of those are, allow me to quickly explain:

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which takes place in November of each year. During that time you have 30 days to write 50,000, or more (not required, at least 50,000 to win) words. Camp NaNoWriMo happens twice a year before November, in April and July. With Camp NaNoWriMo, not only do they have a totally different site decked out all summer camp like to fit the mood, but it is not required for you to write 50,000 in one month in order to win. With Camp NaNo, you set a writing goal each Camp session for you to work after. If you hit your goal, you win that Camp session! It's a ton of fun, and plus you are assigned to a Cabin (there is an option to not be assigned to a Cabin) in which you get mashed up with a ton of cool new people to meet and talk about and cheer each other on with during the month. You can set who you'd like to get in your Cabin (same age range, same novel genre, etc.,) by going into Cabin settings. So not only do you get to write in this awesome Camp atmosphere,  but you also get to meet new people also.

NaPoWriMo stands for National Poetry Writing Month. Like NaNoWriMo, it happens once a year, but this time in April. Instead of having a word count goal, to win NaPo all you have to do is write thirty poems in thirty days. There really isn't much to it.

Last April was my first time participating in either challenge, and it was a whirlwind. I will be posting my story about lasts year challenges, and that will be coming soon.

Both challenges are really fun, and I definitely recommend doing it with other people. So take advantage of your Cabin, and also Twitter, and if a writing group you're supposedly in is participating, be sure to join them.

I won't be posting my poems on here. Poetry is a struggle for me and none of them are good, but it's fun and sucking at it is not going to stop me from participating. However, I will be doing weekly updates, which are going to be posted on Sundays, on my progress on both challenges.

I hope you decide to join me, and all of us who are participating in these challenges this year. I'm super excited, and April is going to be a busy month. Lets do this.

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